Sunday, August 15, 2010


Song lyrics say the words that my heart is screaming, but my mouth is afraid to even whisper.

lyrics Pictures, Images and Photos

Right now, I don't know where I'm at or what I'm doing half the time.

Life is so fast, yet so empty. My music keeps me (mostly) sane.

At 24 which direction life may choose to point.

Song Lyrics and Love Quote Pictures, Images and Photos

I know what I want, what will make me happy.
But I don't know HOW to get it.

lyrics Pictures, Images and Photos

I want you, crave you, desire you.

I think you might think you want me too. I haven't figured out yet.

Call me pathetic, it's probably true, but I live life to please myself & not you.

7 things lyrics Pictures, Images and Photos

They say it's a burden, to me it's a pleasure. They say They say They say, who are "they?"

heart Pictures, Images and Photos

Is it normal to want a permanent, adult life? Living in constant waiting and transitioning is not the life for me.

I want to move, fly, & be content. I want my own, not borrowed, stolen, given or such.

heart Pictures, Images and Photos

I want love, life, permanence, satisfaction. It doesn't have to be perfect. It (&you) just has to be mine, forever.

Who cares if their's is bigger, better, more expensive. I can make it worth it. I can be worth it, I promise that.

It shouldn't be this hard. It's only another barrier to overcome.

broken heart Pictures, Images and Photos

Will it come through? This is real life, not a fairytale. There isn't always a happy ending. Sometimes it ends in gruesome manners, bloody, gory, horrific...

bloody heart Pictures, Images and Photos

As a human living in the real world, the only thing we can do it to keep hope. Hope for the best, & work our ass off in order to get the desired results.

Tears are inevitable, hearts will become broken and scarred. But to survive the fight must be there...

Love icon Pictures, Images and Photos

Fight. Strength. Love. Fear. Work.

vampire academy icon Pictures, Images and Photos

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