Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Been gone too long

I can't believe I only got one post done in the month of April. There is not enough time in the world to address everything that's been going on with me. Life has been like a wild fire. Not terrible though. April has been the busiest month I've had thus far and I've had a lot of recent changes. There were lots of good things, as well as a few bad things. I'm gonna try to get a quick post typed out as I sit here and enjoy a cup of coffee and catch up on Facebook and e-mail.

I'm still house shopping and getting frustrated about some things. First is the fact that it hasn't happened yet. We all know how impatient I can be, but I do realize that taking the time to get everything in order before I make the biggest purchase of my life will benefit me in the long run. I definitely want to get a new house but still haven't decided between a "fixer-upper," small move in ready, new sight built or even modular. Whatever I do, it'll end up being the best for me, and I still have time to decide.
I'm also still seeking financing. My credit score is decent, but not as great as I'd like it to be due to that conflict with Volkswagen Credit, and that one late Home Depot payment. It's all a work in progress though, and since I am one that HATES to pay interest, I want to be sure everything is back to normal so I can qualify for the best rate possible. 6 months ago I was well over a 700, and making my way to the 750 mark. I had set the previous goal to make it to 750 before I bought a new home. Since then I had the conflict with VW not taking out my automatic draft, which is now solved, and the late credit card payment, which was my fault. Therefore I'm still analyzing my best decision.

I recently accepted a new position at the State. It's in the Food and Nutrition department, which will be totally different from what I've always done. It is a higher manager's position on the career ladder though, and a good salary increase, which leads me to believe that it will be a good move for me personally and professionally in the long run. I love my current position, but I consulted my director who informed me that it's in my best interest in my long term career goals and I shouldn't pass up an opportunity for advancement. This position is almost like an Assistant Director of the department, since I will be right under the director. I'll have some direct reports, but am still learning the structure a department in Support Services. I'm just going to go in with open eyes, ears and mind, and learn as much as I can to benefit the department. As I continue to complete my MBA, I will have the work experience to help me in the future move further up so I will be prepared and qualified when an actual director's position comes open. I'm scheduled to begin my new position after the facility has it's annual survey which will be sometimes this month.
The more I look at it, the more excited I get. The people I'll be working beside in the Food and Nutrition dept are AWESOME and I'll have less stress at work, which will allow me to have more of a life outside work, and able to work on some personal plans that I have for my life. This is awesome.

It's awesome how I just have faith to let things work out right, and life just gets better. I practice using the Law Of Attraction, and keep an optimistic attitude and have faith that what I want will occur. I count my blessings daily and let the negative things pass me by. Since I've been doing this, I still get the occasional feelings of frustration, but they are temporary, and before too long I have a better plan and am fired up for life again.

Besides that, there's not been much going on. Life is fast paced and I love it. I'm still working on weight loss, and have gotten from 194 to 174 and still striving for the long term goal of 160lbs. I'm about to start running again and cutting more calories out. I'm in the transition of adopting a healthier lifestyle and hopefully can get what is ideal for me and my body. Right now I'm just not eating as much, staying active and living off coffee and water mostly.

I'm definitely going to start posting more again, but I've just been reserved since I've learned that there are some "haters" that enjoy "stalking" my facebook, blog, myspace and whatever else to get incriminating information to use against me. I'm not letting it bother me though, just watching out for myself. As anyone with some sense knows, everything I post is just opinion or idea, and shouldn't be taken seriously. I'm honestly flattered that people think I'm important enough to spend that much of their time with me on their mind. I'm smart enough to let Karma do the work for me, so the only advice I can give is to keep trying, but I know I'll always come out on top.

I hope everyone has a great month of May. I'm looking forward to enjoying it, as well as life in general.

I'll try to keep everyone posted on going-ons.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday Post

So it's Easter Sunday, I'm at my parents' playing online while my laundry is washing for the week (my washing machine is still broked) and my dad is cooking food that I will be expected to eat.

The last time I blogged was about a week ago, and you'd be surprised how much can change in a fella's life over a week's time. Work has actually been hell on earth and I'm beginning to understand why after I read an e-mail about me from a superior that I wasn't supposed to know about. That changed the outlook on everything. I am still absolutely loving my job, staff and clients, and won't just lie down and give up because I'm not the most popular manager with some professionals. Though it hurts my feelings that I'm given a hard time because someone doesn't like me personally, it makes me feel better b/c I know now that I am doing well, and all the negativity isn't coming from my performance, but my personality. I know I'm a "know it all," but it was required when I was a Campus Coordinator, and now as a Home Manager to display confidence. I use what I've learned and strive to learn more. I'm beginning to feel that someone may be threatened just because I'm younger, more modern, and more qualified than they are, and people stuck in the "old school" state of mind may not like me because I'm full of fire to do well professionally and to help the people I serve instead of just maintaining it through the work week to get a check. I've got a big ego, but I am also very self conscious but tend to keep it hidden because I've learned that doubting yourself makes you appear weak and you don't want to appear weak in the world of management. I've gotten several compliments from important people around campus including my Unit Director and the Assistant Director of Programs, which are the opinions that really matter. This one superior may try to make it rough on me and want me to leave, but that person doesn't realize that I'm not afraid, I know my job and when I do leave it'll only be to move up. I've got that competitive professional state of mind & I know the system I'm in, so I just smile, continue to perform and exceed the expectations and prepare to make my career better!

There's also a position coming open that I've coveted for years that I will hopefully be able to apply for and interview for soon. I had one interview the week before last for a new position on campus that would've been a lateral move, but it was offered to one of my previous supervisors on campus who is awesome at everything MSSLC related. She was the one that taught me everything I know, so honestly there was no competition with her about the job, and it was an honor being offered an interview. I know she's going to do awesome and set the standard high for that job! Now that previous supervisor's position is vacant, and if I get the opportunity to interview for that I will be ecstatic! I know I could do the job, but I am young, and though legally that's not supposed to hinder me, it has in the past and I believe it still does to an extent. I've gotten some great experience out there and have been the youngest Campus Coordinator ever, youngest PNM Monitor ever, as well as the youngest Home Manager on campus and to date in all three positions. Maybe my trend will continue in the future. I've definitely got to get back in school to finish degrees, get life (personal and professional) organized and work my behind off to set a professional reputation about myself that will follow and lead me throughout my career. I'm learning that the business world, wherever you're at, is cut-throat and people will do whatever it takes to move ahead. As I posted in the "Betrayal" blog, trust is hard to come by and in the business world its almost non-existent. I'm fortunate to have a couple of people at my facility I trust and that's about it. My previous supervisor mentioned earlier is a wonderful mentor and is super about giving me suggestions regarding performance that will improve my professional standing over time. There are also a few friends that work in different departments that are true friends that I love to death and will do anything for.

I've also started taking the smoking cessation drug Chantix, and today is day 5. I've noticed a little change, mostly over the past day or so. My doctor pretty much told me to quit smoking or die early, so I went ahead and paid the $130 for a month's supply and am going to give it a shot. The drug itself isn't terrible, side effects wise. Many people say they had vivid dreams or were depressed, but the only effect I've noticed is that I'm sick to my stomach for about an hour after I take the pill. I have a horrible stomach ache, but the urges to smoke haven't really decreased. I may have noticed a bit of decrease in urge today, but generally I smoke more when I'm doing nothing, which is what I've done all weekend lol, so tomorrow when I'm at work, maybe I'll see a difference since I will probably be busy all day. I'm still "iffy" about actually wanting to quit my favorite vice, but the health aspect, as well as the money saved every month seems to present a pretty good argument about quitting.

I'm also still on the Adderall, which is helping with the weight loss project. Presently I've lost almost 20lbs, which I attribute to eating less and moving around more. I've pretty much cut back to one wholesome meal daily and drinking tea and water, and the very rare Dr. Pepper. I'm down to about 175lbs so if I can at least get another 15lbs off and then gain 5-10 back in muscle/toning I think I'll be in pretty good shape looks-wise.

Since my face has slimmed down some and I have cut my hair super short, I must be looking younger. I'm almost 25 years old and have gotten carded for cigarettes more in the past 2 weeks than I did the past 2 years before. When the woman carded me last night, it actually frustrated me enough that I pointed out the lines and wrinkles in my forehead to show her my age. I definitely don't want to look like an old man, but as I mentioned in the earlier paragraph my age has hindered my advancement at work in the past, and the last thing I want to do is look like a high school student. My ideal "look" is one of a slim, attractive, stylish, 20-something doing what he has to do to make it in the world. I'm still working on that balance.

My love life is so non existent and I love that! As I'm trying to structure and improve my life the last thing I need is to have someone that I have to keep up with and have keep up with me. I'm definitely "crushing" or something, and have several potential interests for some casual dating, but I'm not in the market for anything serious at all. I have found out about love recently and have discovered that people fall in love with others that they don't even plan on falling for. This can be any type of love; paternal, fraternal, friend-wise, romance, or any bond. I've realized that there are so many people in my life that I actually LOVE because if they were to be taken from my life I would be devastated. Love is so unconventional and is the weirdest emotion I've ever encountered. I plan on writing more extensively on this topic just to see what I can discover in the future.

I'm still house shopping, but my aunt may end up selling her house to move to town & I love her current house and would love to buy it. She's lived there as long as I've been alive, so it's almost like another home to me and I would feel so comfortable there Its also in the locale that I've been pursuing outside Mexia. The one house I had my eye on out there finally sold, so this is something I'm really hoping happens. Price wise I can afford what the house is worth, and I'm hoping I can find qualification for financing. It's been over a month since Volkswagen screwed up my automatic draft and my credit score, and my Home Depot credit card is also current, but I don't know if the darn score has gotten back up to where it was (over 700). If this house specifically comes up for sale I will do whatever possible to find financing though. I've still got to sell that darn mobile home, but I've been doing some cosmetic upgrades to neutralize themes and make it look better and still have to get the tax info that the previous owners didn't pay to be able to get the title and re-sell. That is frustrating. I've had several interested people inquire about the house, but am unable to sell until I get the title. It's kind of like being stuck currently because I have to sell this one to be able to afford a new house, but if I sell this one before I get a new house I will be homeless, and do not plan on moving back in with my parents lol. I just have to have faith that it'll work out.

So basically that's all that's going on in my world right now (at least all I want to discuss). I am speeding through day to day activities and loving how everything is working out, though there's so much transition going on. Some friends invited me to come over tonight to watch the Baylor game, but I have to work early tomorrow and will probably turn in early tonight to get plenty of rest.

Look out in the future for that love post that I'm researching, and if there are any other topics you recommend, let me know! Hope you all have a wonderful Easter!